Director V.V.Vinayak has given a voiceover for Ram’s forthcoming film Kandireega, which is slated for a release on 12th August. Vinayak has given the voiceover to the introduction of negative lead role in the film. Vinayak has earlier too lent his voice for few films and he has even done cameos in films like Tagore and Neninthe.
Kandireega is touted as a romantic action entertainer with ample mass elements. Hansika has paired up with Ram as leading lady in the film while Aksha as second fiddle to her. Kandireega is directed by a debutant Santosh Srinivas and produced by Bellamkonda Suresh on Sri Sai Ganesh Productions banner. Thaman scored the tunes for the film.
The film-makers seem to be quite confident on the success of Kandireega.