Kamal Hassan, who is busy finalizing Vishwaroobham cast, has denied the reports that Priya Anand has been roped in to play the second fiddle in the upcoming Tamil film. The actor claims that those are baseless rumours.
The Dasavatharam actor said that he does not know Priya Anand, when he was asked about the 180 actress' inclusion in Vishwaroobham. He further adds that he is yet to zero in on the cast, including female lead role, which is vacant after Sonakshi Sinha left the film citing date issues.
Reports claim that the scripted was penned keeping Sonakshi Sinha in mind. So, Kamal Hassan is finding it difficult to replace her with another actress. However, the actor has not clarified on Isha Sharavani's presence in the multilingual film.
Meanwhile, Kamal Hassan has finalized the locations for the shooting in the US and the UK. The actor himself has taken responsibility of directing the film after Selvaraghavan walked out of the prestigious project.